Project planning isn’t always easy – it can seem much simpler to jump into a project head-on than to step back and carefully prepare. When it comes to starting a new cold storage or ambient construction project, a lack of pre-planning and prep work can cause massive expenses, labor costs, and production interruptions later. Our PermaTherm panel consultants often receive phone calls from customers complaining of inefficiency, thermal failure, and even product damage. Once they dive a little deeper, they notice these production-halting disasters could have been prevented with just a bit of project planning and prep work.

Inefficiency Breeds Expense

Whether you are building a 50 sq. ft. or 50,000 sq. ft. facility, efficiency is everything. A well-planned plant saves on energy expenses, utility fees, and labor costs. By constructing an unproductive facility, the cost of processing and production outweighs profits.

Strategically planning an efficient facility creates financial savings for the long-term. A poorly planned plant, however, must allocate resources and make up the loss by overspending in other areas.

No Project Planning + Inexperience = Interruptions

Building a successful processing plant or storage facility requires a broad-based knowledge of both the product and the project. An expert panel consultant will be able to provide helpful insight for any of these circumstances:

  • Natural threats to the environment and products, including contaminants, mold, and mildew
  • Thermal complications and cooling strategies necessary for producing quality goods
  • Local tradespeople, installers, and vendors in the area who specialize in meat processing and production plants

Perishable items are at high risk of spoilage without sufficient pre-planning. Simple fixes, like leaving exposed nails in a ceiling, can cause iron to leach into products and goods. Or the most miniscule of gaps in an insulation system can lead to moisture damage and unconsumable food.

A seasoned panel consultant can help you navigate potential planning problems ahead of construction. Before beginning your next project, make a point to reach out to guarantee your facility is set up for success.

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