
All Care Guides

Polyomavirus Vaccine

Avian polyomavirus is a virus that primarily infects young, caged birds. While birds younger than 5 months are most susceptible to infection, it’s possible for adult birds to become infected as well. Older birds that are infected may survive but shed the virus in feather dander and droppings, exposing other birds to infection.

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Polyuria and Polydipsia

Polyuria (PU) and polydipsia (PD) are the medical terms used to describe excessive urination and excessive drinking, respectively. Because these two abnormalities tend to occur together, the abbreviation PU/PD is commonly used.

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Porphyromonas in Canine Dental Disease

When a dog’s teeth are not properly cleaned or cared for on a regular basis, plaque and tarter can build up on the tooth surface and underneath the gumline. This material can irritate the gums, causing inflammation known as gingivitis . If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to the development of periodontitis , which is the infection and inflammation of structures that support the teeth. Periodontal disease tends to include both gingivitis and periodontitis.

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Potassium Bromide Level Test

Potassium bromide is used alone or in combination with other anti-convulsant medications to help control and prevent seizures. Potassium bromide is administered primarily to dogs and less frequently to cats.

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Pregnancy in Cats

Pregnancy is the time before birth when kittens develop inside the mother’s uterus. Unlike canine fertility, feline fertility is influenced by the amount of time that the female is exposed to sunlight. As a result, pregnancy in cats tends to be seasonal, with most births occurring from spring through early fall.

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