Minimally Invasive Surgery
Minimally invasive surgeryresults in less pain, quicker recovery, and fewer post-surgical complications. Thanks to endoscopic procedures, scopes can be passed through small incisions to let us see inside our patients’ bodies, thus avoiding invasive traditional surgery. These procedures let us assess and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and genitourinary tract, as well as explore the chest and abdomen without major surgery.
Endoscopic Procedures of the Chest and Abdomen
- Endoscopic-assisted exploratory of the chest (Thoracoscopy)
- Pericardectomy relieves fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion).
- Laparoscopic assisted exploratory of the abdomen permits biopsies of the liver, kidney, intestines, and other diseased organs as well as exploration and removal of retained testicles.
- Cystostomy removes bladder stones (urinary calculi).
Minimally Invasive UrologyUrinary bladder diseases—bladder stones, urinary incontinence, bladder cancer—are common in our veterinary patients. Diagnosing, treating, and managing these diseases long term can frustrate owners and veterinarians alike. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, however, our Minimally Invasive Urology offers alternatives to the management of diseases once dependent solely on surgery for resolution. With little to no recovery time required, most patients leave the hospital the same or next day and return to normal activity.
Ectopic Ureterresults from an abnormally placed ureter—the tube connecting the kidney to the bladder—due to a birth defect. Urine leakage and incontinence can result in young dogs. Traditionally, surgery would re-implant the ureter correctly into the bladder. New laser surgery procedures are being developed to repair abnormal ureters.
Urethral Stricture, the narrowing of the urethra, prevents normal urination. Congenital defects or trauma complications can cause Urethal Stricture. To open up the uretha and permit normal urine flow, we pass a series of dilators through the urethra.
Urolithiasis: Cystoscopic-Guided Laser Lithotripsy - Mineral concretions form stones in the bladder. Clinical signs include blood in the urine, recurrent urinary tract infections, and urethral obstruction. We break stones into smaller pieces by directing a laser pulse at them, a procedure for female dogs and cats only. The pulse breaks the stone into smaller pieces that can then pass through the urethra. The procedure is done entirely through the urethra with no incisions. Minimal recovery time means pets usually go home the next day.
Urinary Incontinence : Cystoscopic-Guided Collagen Injection Weakened internal urethral sphincters in older female dogs can cause urine incontinence at night when sleeping, lying down, and recurrent urinary tract infections. For dogs responding poorly to drugs, we can help prevent urine leakage by injecting collagen into the urethra beneath the top layer of tissue. The collagen fills the urethra’s lumen, acting as a pseudosphincter, preventing urine flow. Bladder contractions can push urine past the collagen. At rest, however, urine leakage is minimized.
Cystoscopic Evaluation of the Urinary Tract/Laser Ablation of Tumors:Ultrasound doesn’t always identify cancer in the urinary tract, especially if it is primarily located in the urethra. Cystoscopy, however, allows for tumor visualization and biopsy to confirm cell type.
Urethral Stent Placement:Dogs can develop tumors or inflammatory conditions of the urethra that make it impossible to urinate. Stent placement can allow for normal urination in these patients. See the stent in the radiograph to the left.
Tracheal Stent PlacementThe trachea is the tube by which air moves from the throat to the lungs and out again with each breath. In certain breeds of dogs, collapse of the trachea can lead to a debilitating cough and respiratory distress. Tracheal stents can help to open the airway and improve breathing. Tracheal stents can be used with tracheal tumors and other structural conditions as well. While case selection is important, this procedure can be a life-saver in severe cases.